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Welcome to

Proud Over 40

Health & Wellness, Career, Relationships and Varieties

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Our health is our greatest good and, according to the who, it goes beyond the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Therefore, we will work here on the various aspects that make up health, so that we can have a more active, long-lasting, quality and purposeful life.


Saúde & Bem-Estar


In this pillar we will talk about Planning, Development, Construction and Career Transition and also about Entrepreneurship.

Career is one of the main pillars of our lives. We devote a lot of time to its construction and development and therefore we have to personally take care of it. As a friend of mine says, "my career is too noble for me to delegate."



Men are social beings and having relationships are part of their nature. The better and more positive our relationships are, the more likely we are to build real connections with the people we live with. This has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. The strong affective bonds we build help to extend our life expectancy and slow down physical and cognitive decline. So, we become kinder and happier. 



In this pillar we will talk about the small pleasures in life that warm our soul and make our life lighter.

"Happiness is made up of small pleasures." – Charles Baudelaire



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With your comfort in mind, we turn our interviews into podcasts, so you have more freedom to consume our content. 
Our episodes are weekly.

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